Reps4Hire is the leading online resource for manufacturer sales representatives, independent reps, distributors and dealers in all industries. Post your manufacturer sales reps job opportunities and gain exposure to our highly qualified and experienced sales professionals. Search and find manufacturer sales representative job opportunities.

Register as an employer and create an account. Once you are logged in you will find an icon to post a job on your dashboard. Enter the job information and utilize the “hints” offered to guide you through the job information process. Then choose the term you would like to have your job posted, from 2 months to 6 months, and whether featured or not.

We realize most job boards charge you to post a sales opportunity for each territory you seek to find sales candidates for, but not on Reps4Hire! You pay only one membership listing fee for the term you select which allows for you to fill sales territories manufacturers reps or distributor teams across the nation and for the global market!

If you have preferred targeted areas, or only select territories open, you simply need to outline those targeted areas within your job description. (If you are seeking international global manufacturers and distributors be sure to post any specific targeted areas also!)

No, we do NOT place any limits on the number of responses your listing can receive.

No. We make every attempt to keep our independent manufacturer sales representatives mailboxes free from spam mail and unwanted phone calls. We also feel cold-calling independent commission only manufacturer sales reps and manufacturer distributors from a database list is time consuming and ineffective.  For time management purposes, for all parties involved, we feel it is best to give you the tools to showcase the sales opportunity for your product or service. Job listings can then provide independent manufacturer sales reps information so the sales professionals can determine if they are interested because they feel there is potential for your products or services within the realm of their call points and already established relationships.

No. Automatic renewal payments (AKA subscriptions) are very common for many advertising companies and job sites. Reps4Hire does NOT believe in automatic payments. As your listing comes close to the end of its term, the system will automatically provide you a notification of same. To continue your listing you must take the necessary steps to make a payment for the new listing to keep your listing active. Automatic Payments will not be taken from your account. We absolutely do not believe in automatic payments. We want YOU to make that decision to keep your listing active. We realize this means a little extra work for you, but we do offer full year membership listings to make this easy for you.

PayPal accepts the use of most charge cards. Choose to pay by credit card.

If you do not see your category listed when posting your job listing, then utilize the best categories available and complete your listing. Be sure to then contact us  and let us know the category – we will review and let you know if we added it. During the interim you can add your listing to a best fit category. (Typically, we add all new categories requested.)

  • Locate the GEMS in your industry. Reps4Hire is the only network for all industries where you can Find the Diamonds in the Rough for Growth Opportunities in your niche, from CEO’s of multi-billion dollar companies to TOP niche distributors or specialized lone star independent manufacturer reps, including MASTER experts (minimum 20 years in a niche specialty).
  • Step out-of-the box with creative team building needs. Reps4Hire is the only network for ALL industries where companies can truly get creative in their compensation packages specific for their team needs. From manufacturer reps to management personnel to marketing professionals.
  • Develop and Engineer YOUR team. Reps4Hire is the ONLY Manufacturer Rep Network for ALL industries where Manufacturer vendors and service providers are Engineering Sales Teams for “Hybrid” Sales Organizations – (Direct Salary Employees augmented with Independent reps, Commission only 1099 reps, freelance or Contract Professionals)
  • Reps4Hire is still offering the BEST pricing across the net to recruit and build your independent manufacturer rep sales force!
  • Unlimited responses. Reps4Hire does NOT limit the responses you can receive from your posting. We want you to build your network of professionals.  We know you will be back for more team development needs as your company grows.
  • NO monthly subscriptions. We offer an affordable One-time Fee For your Initial Posting for the Term You Select (Best pricing in the industry!) NO automatic renewals. We know what it is like to get busy and forget to cancel a subscription payment. When your listing ends and you want to renew (or continue) your listing, you will need to log into the system and personally make a payment.
  • Aggressive Distribution capabilities of your posting for independent manufacturer reps
  • Reps4Hire utilizes THE World’s Largest sharing platform with unique capabilities to reach more than 1.3 billion (monthly user reach).
    • Reps4Hire has distribution capabilities of your independent manufacturer sales opportunity to partner websites,  job boards, Social Networks, Mass Media, Blogs & more – reaching 10 million+ potential candidates. Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, US News, Business Week, CNN Money, Fox, Washington Post & More. Why pay extra $$$ to post your independent manufacturer sales rep opportunity on multiple sites when you can NETWORK?
      • Distribution specifically for your listing is exclusive to listings placed for 6 months or longer.
      • For shorter term sales opportunity listings, please know that Reps4Hire does distribute generically across the internet to pull independent manufacturer sales candidates & distributors into the main site so potential sales candidates can explore all of the categories of listings and then target into their specific interests.
    • Plus, Reps4Hire utilizes THE World’s Largest sharing platform to enhance your network experience. Only a fraction of all websites can offer you these awesome capabilities! Whether you are the listing owner, a network member, or simply visiting our website you can Share the content of a listing with as many of your favorite social networks as you like! Listing Owners are encouraged to take advantage of these unique capabilities to reach more than 1.3 billion (monthly user reach).

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